The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran Many individuals are curious about the definition and varieties of Qirat. To begin, it is a natural reality that languages spoken around the world have different styles and dialects within them. For example, English is the most widely spoken language on the planet, with varying pronunciations depending on where people are from.
The Arabic language, which Allah SWT has chosen as the standard-bearer of Islam and communicator of the Quran, is comparable to other languages in that it contains dialectical variations due to differences in accents, tones, and geographic situations. Qirat is the term for such variations in Quran reciting. This page will explain what Qirat is and the many sorts of Qirat.
What is a Qirat in Islam
The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran In Islam, qirat (plural of Qirah) refers to the many methods of reciting the Holy Quran. The Quran can be recited in a variety of lexical, phonetic, linguistic, morphological, and syntactical ways. Each Qirah has its own set of recitation guidelines and word and letter variations. The branch of Islamic studies that deals with various recitation styles are known as qirat. As a result, Qirat is the Quran’s verbalization, and the Quran is preserved in Qirat.
How to learn the qirat of the Quran?
Meaning of Qirat
The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The word Qirat () comes from the Arabic language and is derived from the phrase Qirah (), which means reading.’ Various Quranic scholars have questioned the definition of this phrase, with one describing it as “knowledge of pronouncing the verses of the Quran.” It gets its name from the term Qari, which means “one who recites the Holy Quran.” In Arabic, qirat refers to the act of reading or reciting something. In English, qirat refers to the act of reading a piece of text aloud from memory.
Types of Qirat in the Quran
The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The several varieties of Qirat are the different ways that well-known authority chain bearers recite the Quran. The great Rawis, who narrated it with a confirmed and established chain, gave all Qirat their names. The fact that different types of Qirat have been recited with a direct and authentic chain of relators back to Allah’s Apostle proves that this Holy Book is a revelation from Allah (SWT) and has been maintained over the ages (PBUH).
The names of the 7 types of Qirat:
- The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The Mutawatir category includes the following seven forms of Qirat: a transmission with independent chains of authorities so vast as to eliminate the possibility of error and on which there is widespread agreement. These Qirat were chosen by Abu Bakr ibn Mujahid, a well-known Quranic expert on the topic of Qirat.
- The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran Imam Malik (RA) and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) mainly recited the Holy Quran in this manner in Qirat Naafi’ Al-Madani (Madinah). The two Qaris who kept this recitation are Qaloon and Warsh.
- The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran This is how Qirat Ibn Katheer Al-Makki (Makkah), Al-Buzzi, and Imam Shafi recited the Quran. The two Qaris who preserved this recital are Al-Buzzi and Qunbul.
- Abu Amr al-Basri Qirat (Basra)
The two Qaris who preserved this reading style of the Holy Quran are Ad-Doori and As-Solis.
The 7 Types of Qirat in the QQurantwo Qaris who recited and preserved this recital of the Quran are Qirat Ibn Aamir ash-Shami (Syria) and Ibn Dhawan.
- Asim Al-Qirat Kufi’s (Kufa)
- This is how Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) recited the Quran. Hafs and Shuba were the two Qaris who kept this recitation style.
- Hamzah al-Kufi Qirat (Kufa)
- Khallad and Khalaf are two renowned Qaris who kept this reading style (who also has his own Qirat, i.e., Qirat Khalaf al-Bazaar).
- The two Qaris who retained this Quran recitation style are Qirat Al-Kisaa’i (Kufa) Al-Layth and Ad-Doori.
There are 10 Qirat in all, although only seven are usually considered. The explanation for this is that at the outset of the Muslim conquest, seven important academics and their students stayed in one place, while the other three scattered over the globe until a scholar named Ibn el Jazerry visited the world and discovered the other three recitation styles. The other three forms of Qirat, on the other hand, are rarely mentioned.
Check out this page for additional information on Qirat!
7 Dialects of the Quran
The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran People should study the many languages of the Quran after understanding how many Qirat there are. Qirat and Ahruf are frequently confused (the dialects of the Quran). The Holy Quran was revealed in seven Ahruf (plural of Harf), which can be interpreted as methods, dialects, forms, modes, and styles, of Allah’s Messenger (PBUH).
Qirat, on the other hand, is a pronunciation approach employed in Quran recitations that is distinct from the seven Quran recitation styles (Ahruf). Quraysh, Hudhayl, Tameem, Hawaazin, Thaqeef, Kinaanah, and Yemen are believed to be the origins of these seven dialects.
This was done to make Quran recitation memorizationrize easier for the indigenous tribes who speak Arabic in a variety of ways. During the reign of the third caliph Uthman ibn Affan (RA), these seven dialects were reduced to one, the Quraysh dialect, because different reading methods could generate divides within the Muslim ummah.
This dialect is used in all seven forms of recitation. The fact that the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in seven different Ahrufs may be traced back to many hadiths, some of which are as follows:
According to Ibn Masud, Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said:
“The Qur’an was delivered in seven different ways. It contains an outward and interior meaning for each verse, as well as a source of reference for each injunction.” [Masabih al-Mishkat]
Ibn Abbas narrated in another hadith that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said:
Difference between Tajweed and Qirat
The Quran was revealed and taught to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through tajweed, which he afterward passed on to his companions RAA. The significance of tajweed is demonstrated in the following verse:
“We have given the Book to those who read it as it should be read.” They are the ones who are convinced. And whomever whoever believes it is the one who loses.” (Al-Baqarah:121)
How to learn the qirat of the Quran?
Because knowing the many forms of Quran Qirat is important for Muslims all over the world, Riwaq Al Azhar has created the Learn Ten Qirat Online Course for people who live in non-Muslim nations or have a non-Arab background. You can enroll in online lessons with our highly qualified Quran teachers, who will educate you about the many styles of recitation found in the Quran, as well as an Online Tajweed Course for each Qirah.