
The virtue of praying on time

The virtue of praying on time

The virtue of praying on time. Prayer has a great virtue; It is the second pillar of Islam after the two testimonies, and it is one of the greatest rituals of the religion, especially prayer on time, according to what Abdullah bin Masoud – may God be pleased with him – narrated that he asked the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – about which deeds are most beloved to God Almighty, and he said: Praying on its time, he said: Then which? He said: Then honor the parents. He said: Then what? He said: Jihad for the sake of God.” The hadith of Al-Shari indicates that prayer on time is the best of deeds and the most beloved to God.

The virtue of praying on time

Performing prayer has great virtue, and among the virtues of praying on time are the following:

1- A light for the Muslim on the Day of Resurrection, in addition to its being a light for him in his worldly life.

2- Erasing sins, purifying the soul from sins and misdeeds, and expiating bad deeds. Through prayer, God Almighty forgives the sins of his servant between them and the prayer that follows, the virtue of praying on time as well as expiation for the previous sins.

3- The best deeds after the testimony that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

4- God Almighty raises the ranks of His servant through prayer.

5- Prayer enters the Muslim Paradise, the virtue of praying on time accompanied by the Messenger – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -.

6- The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – considered waiting for prayer a bond in the cause of God Almighty.


Definition of prayer

The definition of prayer in the language is related to its definition in idiomatic. The explanation of this is as follows: In the language, The virtue of praying on time  the prayer is rooted in the Sa’d, the Lam, and the Mutual letter, and it has two meanings; The first: burning with fire and the like of fever, for example, it is said: So-and-so prayed with fire, and prayer is what kindles fire and kindles, and the second: a type of worship, which is supplication, and from it the saying of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: “If one of you is called to food He should answer, and if he is not fasting, then he should eat, and if he is fasting, then let him pray.” What is meant by saying: The virtue of praying on time If he is fasting, then let him pray. That is, let him supplicate for the one who invited him to eat.

And prayer in the legal terminology: is a worship that God – the Almighty – has imposed on Muslims, where the servant who is charged with specific and specific words and actions performs it in a controlled manner. The virtue of praying on time As the prayer in its reality and the origin of its meaning is the name of each supplication.

Ruling on prayer

Prayer is the most important of the actions of the limbs, and it is also the pillar of Islam, and its establishment is an individual duty of every Muslim man and woman who has reached the legally considered legal age, by ejaculating semen for a sane male or something that takes its place, The virtue of praying on time and the onset of menstruation for a sane female or something that takes its place. the consensus of Muslims; Where God – the Highest – said: “Indeed, the virtue of praying on time the prayer for the believers is a fixed time book,” and a book, that is, it is written and obligatory. And the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – recommended Muadh – may God be pleased with him – to inform the people of Yemen of its hypothesis; He said: “Inform them that God has enjoined upon them five prayers every day and night.” He had recently entered Islam and did not see its pillars and obligations.


Categories for which prayer is dropped

A young man or woman is exempted from prayer until they reach the age of obligation, and the prayer is waived for the insane until he becomes sane, just as the period of her menstruation and postpartum is waived for the woman; The virtue of praying on time It is not obligatory to perform it or make it up, and there is no embarrassment for the sleeper until he wakes up, but the prayer of his right is obligatory, and the like of him is forgetful.

Practical steps to adhere to and maintain prayer

The Muslim must be careful to perform the prayer on time and never leave it, and the following are some matters and advice that may help in that:

1- Repentance to God – Glory be to Him and the Highest – for the past of neglecting the prayer or falling short in it, so a person performs ablution and prays two units of prayer with the intention of repentance for his shortcomings in prayer, to seek the help of God – the Mighty and Sublime – on a new stage of maintaining prayer in his life.

2- Spend time contemplating the greatness of God’s creation – the Highest – and his ability and deserving of worship and love, as well as contemplating death, and contemplating that a person may die at any time without disease or old age, and the virtue of praying on time what his condition will be if he meets God and does not fulfill his obligation.

3- Accompanying the righteous who maintain the prayer and who are keen to perform it on time, as this encourages the person to pray.


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What Is Zakat and How Does It Work?

What Is Zakat and How Does It Work?

Zakat is an Islamic finance phrase that refers to an individual’s obligation to donate a set percentage of their money to charitable charities each year.

For Muslims, zakat is an obligatory ritual that is also viewed as a form of prayer.

Giving money to the impoverished is considered to purify yearly earnings that are in excess of what is required to meet a person or family’s basic requirements

Zakat is a religious requirement that requires all Muslims who meet certain qualifications to donate a percentage of their money to charitable causes each year.

Zakat is supposed to purify yearly profits that are in excess of what is required to meet a person or family’s basic requirements.

Zakat is calculated based on income and the value of one’s belongings.

The standard minimum amount for individuals who qualify is 2.5 percent of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth, or 1/40 of their total savings and wealth.

If one’s personal fortune falls below the nisab for a lunar year, no zakat is due.


Zakat’s Operation

Zakat is one of Islam’s Five Pillars, along with proclamation of faith, prayer, Ramadan fasting, and the Hajj trip.

It is a legal requirement for Muslims who earn more than a specific amount of money, and should not be confused with Sadaqah, which is the act of offering charitable gifts willingly out of goodwill or generosity.

The minimal amount of zakat that should be distributed to those who are less fortunate is detailed in religious teachings.

It depends on whether the wealth came from farm produce, cattle, business activity, paper currency, or precious metals like gold and silver.

Zakat is calculated based on income and the value of one’s belongings.

The standard minimum amount for individuals who qualify is 2.5 percent of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth, or 1/40 of their total savings and wealth.

Zakat is usually paid out at the end of the year, after any remaining wealth has been calculated.

The poor and needy, suffering Muslim converts, enslaved people, persons in debt, troops battling to safeguard the Muslim community, and those stranded on their journeys are among those who benefit.

The zakat collectors are also paid for their efforts.


Nisab vs. Zakat

Nisab is a word that is frequently used with zakat.

A criterion specifies the minimum quantity of wealth and property that a Muslim must own in order to be compelled to give zakat.

Particular Points to Consider

This law has played a significant part in Islamic history and has resulted in conflicts, most notably during the Ridda wars.

Although Zakat is seen as an obligatory tax, not all Muslims pay it.

Individuals can choose whether to pay zakat in many nations with sizable Muslim populations.

Fitrah: The Necessary Donation Of Zakat Al Fitr On Eid Al Fitr


What is the significance of Zakat?

The ultimate goal of Zakat is to increase one’s faith and loyalty to Allah (God).

It also serves as a social safety net for those in need, as well as a means of uplifting the entire society and assisting Muslims and Islam in flourishing.

Zakat is one of Islam’s five pillars, and as such, it works in tandem with the other four to sustain and strengthen the religion.

Muslims purify their wealth by paying Zakat.

Zakat contributes to the economy by relieving individuals of their burdens and allowing them to realize their full potential.

Who should be eligible for Zakat?

According to the Qur’an, there are eight categories of people who should receive Zakat:

“In fact, Zakat expenditures are exclusively for

  1. The poor and The needy and those who labor on [administering] it
  2. for bringing hearts together
  3. to [free] those in bonds,
  4. for those in debt,
  5. for the sake of God,
  6. for the stranded traveler.”
  7. God has obligated you to do so.

God is All-Wise and All-Knowing.”

(Verse 60 of Chapter 9 of the Qur’an)

Practicing my Zakat

Our easy-to-use calculator will take the guesswork out of calculating your Zakat.

Simply said, there are four basic stages to calculating your Zakat:

  1. Figure out what you have.
  2. Then subtract what you owe.
  3. Calculate the balance and make sure it exceeds the Nisab value.
  4. Calculate 2.5 percent of that, and you will have your Zakat sum.

When should Zakat be paid?

The date your wealth meets or exceeds the Nisab should be the start of your Zakat year.

Zakat is due if your money is equaled or exceeds the value of Nisab after one lunar year ( which is also known as Hawl).

This date will be used again the next year in this case.

You will not obligate to pay Zakat if your money or wealth does not match the Nisab after one year.

You will also wait to see if your fortune catches up to or surpasses Nisab’s.

When is your Zakat payment?

The instant your wealth meets or exceeds Nisab, a new year for Zakat will begin.

After a year, you will be managed to whether your money equals or exceeds the Nisab.

On this website, this is referred to as your ‘Zakat due date’ or ‘Zakat anniversary.’

If you are not sure, when this is, or if you are paying for the first time, figure out when you first held wealth above the Nisab level (you can guess if you do not know the precise date).

This becomes your Zakat anniversary once you have paid your Zakat once.

This is to motivate you.

In the Qur’an, zakat is a tax.

Zakat is not a spontaneous act of generosity or an imposed tax; it is not a way of being generous – it is something Allah has commanded us to perform – it is a duty.

As Muslims, we have established Zakat as one of the pillars of Islam in order to achieve financial and spiritual reform, remove greed, and solidify the Islamic economy, all of which will contribute to the stability and prosperity of the Islamic economy.

The Qur’an defines Zakat as “the way of obtaining Allah’s mercy.”

“All things are included in My Mercy.”

That (Mercy) I will ordain for those who are God-conscious and pay Zakat, as well as those who believe in Our Signs.”

7:156 (Surah Al-A’raf).

What Is Zakat and How Does It Work? Read More »

Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation

Types of Hajj

Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation Hajj is an obligatory practice that has earned the title of the most sacred journey to Allah SWT’s house. It is regarded as a significant religious practice in Islam, with various types of Hajj. Due to the significance of Allah SWT’s house, millions of Muslims visit it each year.

Some may wonder how Hajj encompasses all forms of worship. Prayer, charity, Zakat, fasting, ideal character, patience, and jihad are all part of it. This demonstrates that Hajj is not only a pillar of Islam, but it also has an impact on all aspects of a Muslim’s social, national, economic, and moral life. (Islamic Hajj Pillars)

The significance of Hajj Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear explanations in the Quran and hadith cannot be overstated. Allah Almighty has made the pilgrimage mandatory for all Muslims who can afford it. Allah says in His Book:

“It contains clear signs and Abraham’s standing-place.” Anyone who enters should be safe. Pilgrimage to this House is an obligation imposed by Allah on all who are able. And whoever does not believe, surely Allah does not require any of His creation.” (Ali-Imran, p. 97)

The following hadith demonstrates its significance:

“Whoever performs Hajj to this Kaaba and does not approach his wife for sexual relations or commit sins Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation  (while performing Hajj), he will come out sinless as a newborn child (just delivered by his mother,” said the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). [Bukhari Sahih]

Every Muslim should learn about Hajj because it is a pillar of Islam. So, Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation if you’re Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation, whether there are five types of Hajj or three types of Hajj, you’ve come to the right place. To help you better understand this religious practice, we will explain the various types of Hajj and their meanings. Let us take a look:

Types of Hajj in Islam

So, how many different types of Hajj exist in Islam? Hajj is classified into Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation

  • Hajj-ul Ifrad
  • Hajj-ul Qiran
  • Hajj-ul Tamattu

Hajj-ul Ifrad

Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation The most basic type of Hajj is Hajj-ul Ifrad. Madrid is the pilgrim who performs this type of Hajj. It is usually performed by those who live in Makkah and the Hills (residents of Miqat and Haram precincts), such as those in Jeddah. Because it is not accompanied by Umrah, it is known as the isolated Hajj.

This type of Hajj cannot be combined with Umrah by the pilgrim. However, if he performs Umrah during the months of Shawal, Dhul-Qa’dah, and Dhul-Hijjah, he is no longer a Mufrid and is no longer performing Hajj-ul Ifrad. If a pilgrim performs Umrah during these months, he must also perform either of the other two types of Hajj.

To perform Hajj alone, a pilgrim must enter the state of Ihram. A pilgrim expresses his intention to perform Hajj by chanting O Allah! I respond to Your call to perform Hajj. They perform tawaf and Sa’i for their arrival in Makkah. Because they do not disengage from the Ihram, they do not cut or shave their hair. Rather, after stoning, they remain in Ihram. A Mufrid will remain in Ihram until he throws stones at Jamarat. A Mufrid may also offer an animal sacrifice, but he is not required to do so.

“According to Jabir, the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) performed Hajj Ifrad (single Hajj).” [Sunan Ibn Majah] Formalized paraphrase

Hajj-ul Qiran

Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation Qiran means “to combine two things.” Because it is combined with Umrah, this type of Hajj is known as accompanied Hajj. Hajj-ul Qiran is a gift from Allah SWT to those who live far from the sacred Masjid al-Haram. This enables a person to perform both Hajj and Umrah on the same trip.

While Qarin (the pilgrim who performs this type of Hajj) may perform Umrah during the preceding Islamic months (Shawal and Dhul-Qa’dah), it is more common to do so during the first eight days of Dhul-Hijjah. The Qarin must perform Umrah and Hajj in the same ihram, regardless of the time difference between the two rituals.

The pilgrim is supposed to perform Umrah first, followed by Hajj. A pilgrim wears Ihram for both Hajj and Umrah, or wears Ihram first for Umrah and then makes Hajj intentions before performing Tawaf for Hajj. When the Qarin arrives at Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, he begins with tawaf and Sa’i, the two main Umrah practises. The pilgrim may trim his hair after performing Umrah but may not shave until performing Hajj.

The obligations on Qarin are the same as those on Mufrid, with the exception that those performing Hajj-ul Qiran must sacrifice an animal, whereas those performing Hajj-ul Ifrad are not required to do so.

Hajj-ul Tamattu

The third and final type of Hajj is Hajj-ul Tamattu. Tamattu means “enjoying or taking advantage of a facility.” This type, like Hajj-ul Qiran, combines both Umrah and Hajj. But the difference between them is that after performing Umrah, Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation the Mutamatti (pilgrim who performs Hajj-ul Tamattu) is not obliged to perform the two rituals in the same Ihram.

The Mutamatti enters the state of ihram while intending to Umrah alone. After performing Umrah, they leave Ihram and enter a new Ihram when performing Hajj on the eighth of Dhul-Hijjah. This frees the pilgrim from the restrictions imposed by Ihram between Umrah and Hajj.

Hajj-ul Tamattu is only available to those who live more than 48 miles from Makkah. Umrah must be performed during the Hajj season, and it is considered invalid if performed before the start of Shawal or on Hajj days. Furthermore, a pilgrim performing Umrah as part of this type of Hajj is not permitted to depart without performing Hajj.

Whatever happens, they must perform Hajj before going back to where they have come from. Different Types of Hajj in Islam with Clear Explanation  Just like with Hajj-ul Qiran, a Mutamatti has to offer an animal sacrifice when performing this Hajj. If a Mutamatti fails to offer animal sacrifice, he must fast for ten days, except on Eid-ul-Adha.

What Are the Differences between Hajj and `Umrah?

After thoroughly studying the various types of Hajj, it is time to learn the distinction between Hajj and Umrah. Both Hajj and Umrah are Muslim pilgrimages. The main distinction is that Hajj is an obligatory pilgrimage for those who can afford it, whereas Umrah is Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah (PBUH).

Final Thoughts

Different schools of thought have different perspectives on all types of Hajj and their explanations and recommendations. It is a good idea to consult an expert from your particular school of thought to determine which type of Hajj is best for you.

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Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow

learn to read quran for adults

Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow Learning is a never-ending process, and the value of acquiring knowledge in Islam is enormous. The matter will be more critical when it comes to learning to read the Quran in particular.

You might have a lot of questions about how to learn to read the Quran as an adult. For instance:

  • Is it possible for me to learn Quran online?
  • How can I improve my Quran reading skills?
  • What is the most convenient method of reading the Quran?
  • Is it possible to learn to read the Quran quickly?
  • What is the average time it takes to learn the Quran?… the list goes on and on!

A man reading Quran beside a window

Spiritual Tips to Learn to Read Quran for Adults

Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow Many Muslims are looking for an easy approach to learning the Quran for beginners as well as some recommendations on how to properly read the Quran for grownups.

Purification of Intention Is the Key to Success

In Islam, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow sincerity is the key to acceptance of any act of worship. An action’s worth is determined by its purpose “According to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Only a man’s intentions will be recognized. ”

Thus, regardless of the outcome, your effort to read the Quran will be acknowledged provided you clarify your purpose. After you comprehend this, you will feel confident in continuing your journey to learn to read the Quran for adults. In general, salvation in Islam is achieved primarily via inner cleansing and adherence to the prophet’s style of worship.

Seeking Support of Your Creator

As humans, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow we are driven by desires that keep us connected to the soil from which we were born.

In every act of worship, Allah the Almighty must be sought for assistance. The first Surah highlights the significance of worshipping Allah and seeking assistance from Him alone. “It is You we worship, and it is You we call for help,” we say at least 17 times a day.

This Life Is Just a Bridge for the Eternal One.

As Muslims, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow we believe that this life is a test that will determine our final location in the Afterlife. Thus, if you consider that day and the importance of properly preparing yourself for it, learning to read Quran will be simple.

Learning to Read Quran Is the Gateway to Success.

Realizing the basic aim of Quran revelation is one of the most significant pieces of advice for learning to read the Quran for adults. The Prophet (PBUH) was given this excellent book by Allah the Almighty to guide us to happiness. As a result, you must learn how to read this book and comprehend its messages to effectively apply them.

Two Muslim kids reciting Quran together

Practical Tips to Learn to Read Quran for Adults.

Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow There is some practical advice for learning to read Quran for adults in addition to the spiritual tips listed above. Here are four good ones:

Learn with an Expert Sheikh.

Angel Jibreel was sent by Allah SWT to deliver the revelation to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. When learning the book of Allah, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow it is strongly suggested to listen to it directly from another experienced person, then read it in front of him/her to allow them to rectify your flaws. “So when We have recited it [via Gabriel], then follow its recitation,” Allah the Almighty says in the Quran [Al-Qiyamah: 18].

Learning the Quran by yourself does not guarantee e fluency because there is no one to correct your errors and improve your recitation. Yes, listening to audio can help you practice and improve your skills, but there is no assurance that you will understand every point of articulation and other Tajweed rules correctly.

There’s also the risk of making a huge error, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to follow such as changing a vowel or anything similar and then memorizing it that way. As a result, unless you duplicate your work, correcting it later will be difficult.

Learning Tajweed Rules with a Professional Quran Teacher.

As previously said, there are various advantages to learning Quran with an expert trainer. A certified Quran instructor will show you how to learn to read the Quran in Arabic fluently when it comes to Tajweed rules. Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow For example, even if you are not an Arab, you will be able to master the pronunciation of Arabic letters via practice if you learn the points of articulation and etiquette for each letter.

Furthermore, learning the rules of non-voweled Noon, non-voweled Meem, and extending kinds of’ Mudood’ will add a notable value to your level of recitation.

Keep Listening and Practicing Quran Daily

If your recitation level is intermediate, choose an appropriate number of Ayat, and listen to them all at once, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow then listen to one Ayah or even a portion of one, then pause and repeat after the Sheikh, keeping your eyes on the Mushaf throughout

Try to Understand the Meaning of Ayat

You’ll need an interpretation of the Quran’s meanings. You can select your preferred translation from the options. Fadel Soliman, Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to FollowBridges’ translation or Dr. Mustafa Khattab’s translation are my recommendations. More importantly, if you come across a meaning that you don’t understand or are unsure about, keep asking renowned Quran scholars for clarification.

How to Read Quran Fluently

Learning to read the Quran fluently is an admirable goal that all Muslims should strive for. As a result, we’ve compiled some helpful tips to keep you motivated and learn how to read the Quran correctly.

Patience and Persistence in Learning Quran Is Highly Recommended

To put it bluntly, there is no gain without pain; our existence is built on putting out the effort to achieve the desired outcome. Learning the Quran is one of the noble aims for which one should strive.

How Long Does It Take to Learn to Read Quran?

Learning the Quran does not have a set schedule. The outcome is entirely dependent on the individual’s abilities, perseverance, and level of prior knowledge and experience. A beginner with no prior understanding of Arabic can read after three to four months if they maintain consistency and self-discipline. It could be less or more in some circumstances.


“He wan ho is expert in the recitation of the Quran will be with the honorable and obedient scribes (angels), and he who recites the Quran and finds it difficult to recite, doing his best to recite it in the best way possible, will have two rewards,” Prophet Muhammad PBUH concluded. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim, respectively].

Learn to Read Quran for Adults: 8 Tips to Follow Read More »

Best Age For Quran Memorization

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Online Quran Memorization Classes

Quran Memorization Techniques


15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Memorizing the Quran is an honor in Islam, and it provides Muslims with numerous benefits in this life and the afterlife. It’s possible that mastering it with accurate pronunciation will be mentally, spiritually, and physically demanding.

Easy Quran Memorization Techniques

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques If you wish to profit from Allah’s blessings, you must be able to receive them, so work hard to obtain them and reap the fullest benefit. The best and most thorough Quran memorization techniques to use to make the journey simpler are as follows:

Be Sincere

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Making a serious intention to learn Allah SWT’s book is the most crucial advice of all Quran memorization approaches. If you want to learn Quran, you must first cleanse your intentions and goals for learning. Make sure your sole goal is to seek Allah’s blessings and kindness. Allah SWT will make your remembrance trip easy if your aim is sincere. This is demonstrated by the following verse:

“And We have made the Quran very simple to remember

A Muslim pondering the verses


Seek the Almighty’s Help

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Before you start memorizing the Quran, gather your courage and determination to persevere no matter how difficult the trip becomes. Turn to Allah SWT for assistance and support in this matter.

Find a Distraction-Free Environment

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Saying no to distraction is another crucial piece of advice in today’s Quran memorization strategies. New sorts of electronic gadgets, as well as notifications from games and social media, are always vying for our attention, reducing our attention span as a result. If you are sitting in a noisy, packed area, you will not be able to memorize verses. So, what is the best memorization strategy?

It is to locate a space or area within the mosque that is devoid of distractions. Turn off all of your phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. Find a quiet area that is devoid of any visual and audio disturbances. If you reside with others, either ask them not to disturb you during such times or invite them to memorise the Quran with you.

Select a Specific Time to Memorize Quran

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques When it comes to memorizing the Quran, timing is everything. Set up a set time during the day for this good deed. Determine the optimal time for you to learn the verses when you are most productive and attentive. When is the greatest moment to learn something new?

Well, it depends, but the early morning hours are a great choice. It’s when a person’s mind and body are both fresh and sensitive to new information, and their minds can easily store it.

Set Realistic Goals

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques Setting realistic goals and memorizing less than you think you can is one of the most practical Quran memorization tactics. The number of verses to recite each day should be realistic and achievable. Depending on your stamina, you should choose the number of verses or pages.

Some individuals are curious as to how long it takes to complete Hifz. Is it possible for me to memorize the Quran in a year? They should be aware that the overall period varies from person to person. The entire memorization trip usually takes three to five years to complete. However, learning Quran in a year is possible ‘How to memorize a page of the Quran in 5 minutes?’, ‘How to memorize the Quran in 30 days?’, ‘How to memorize the Quran in a year?’, and so on. This can be accomplished by creating a Quran memorizing chart in which a set number of verses is divided by the total number of days to arrive at a daily target.

Begin with a small number of verses and gradually increase the number of verses. To attain your goal in less time, stick to your scheduling plan, maintain reading and repeating the verses, and avoid extraneous activities.

Memorize Quran Using the Same Mushaf

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques One of the things that will assist you in mastering Quran memorization techniques is to use a specific copy of the Quran. This is because a person memorizes with his eyes as well as his ears. When the verses, their shapes, and their locations in the text are recited and examined frequently, they create an impression on the mind.

Understand the Meaning of Verses

15 Practical and Effective Quran Memorization Techniques What is the simplest method for memorizing the Quran? It is to grasp the significance of the verses chosen as the daily focus. Before you begin, carefully read a poem in the language you are familiar with to verify you understand the material. To grasp what message the verse is communicating, a comprehensive comprehension of what each word means, what the verse’s main meaning is, and how it is formed should be read.

Seek Help from A Quran Expert

Enroll in a Quran Memorization Course 

While you can learn Quran on your own, having a professional Quran tutor assist you can make the process better, easier, and quicker. It’s difficult to memorize the Quran on your own. You will receive coaching at every stage of the memorization process if you have a professional by your side. Not only will the tutor assist with Quran memory techniques, but also with verse pronunciation and interpretation. You can learn Quran in person in a mosque or institute, or online through an online course.

Online Quran Memorization Classes

Utilize Repetition Technique

What are three different memory techniques? Read, recite, and repeat. Many verses will be unfamiliar to you. You should use these Quran memorization strategies to maintain them in your memory for a long time. Recite and read it aloud or quietly according to Tajweed criteria.

Recite What You Have Memorized in Prayers

Listen to Quran Recitation

Reciting what you have memorized in your regular prayers is one of the best Quran memorization techniques ever used. Prayer is a unique kind of worship that brings us closer to Allah SWT. Reciting the memorized verses in the five daily prayers will help to cement what you’re learning into memory.

Recite What You Have Memorized to Others

Writing from Memory

Listening to various Quran recitations might also help you memorize the passages. Listening to the same verses over and over will help you recall them. You can listen to the audio of any of your favorite or well-known Qari reciting the Quran over and over in the morning or evening.

Teach Quran to Others

Make Lots of Dua

If you’re wondering how to memorize the Quran on your own, this is one of the most important approaches. You should put your memorization to the test by repeating the verses to someone who knows them by heart or follows the Mushaf.

Memorize Quran with Us

Online Quran Memorization Classes

To summarise, no matter how busy you are, if you use the Quran memorizing strategies outlined above, you will be able to memorize even the smallest portions of the text and finish the process over time.


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How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow How many hafiz Qurans are there in the world? Nobody knows the actual number of people who are Hafiz, although it is thought that there are many lucky people around the world. A hafiz, or Quran keeper, is someone who has learned the Quran and can recite it from memory.

Anyone can become a hafiz, however, some people find it difficult. In this essay, we have provided basic procedures to follow for individuals who do not know how to become a hafiz. Continue reading to understand the basic stages, as well as the benefits of being a hafiz and everything in between.

How to Become a Hafiz

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow Many Muslims wish to learn the Quran but have no idea how to become hafiz. Here are some instructions and recommendations on how to remember the Quran much more easily and quickly and become a hafiz:

Allocate Specific Time for Memorization

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow Avoid memorizing the Quran at different times throughout the day, as this will make it difficult to keep going. Instead, choose a convenient moment to memorize the Quran. After Fajr, it is recommended that you begin remembering a new lesson for the best outcomes. It is thought to be the finest time of day for learning new things. Before going to bed is another fantastic opportunity to memorize the Quran. According to research, studying before going to bed helps you recall what you learned when you wake up.

Set Regular, Realistic Goals

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow It is impossible to learn the entire Quran in a single day, week, or month. For memorizing it, you must be consistent and patient. You should also create daily goals that you must achieve every day.

The following are the steps to becoming a hafiz in this regard:

  • Remember not to create an unrealistic daily target.
  • Determine which section of the Quran you will study one day.
  • Don’t stop until you’ve memorized that section.

Revise Regularly

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow Apart from learning a new chapter of the Quran at the start of each session, it’s also crucial to go over what you’ve learned in previous classes. Those who do not recite it regularly lose track of what they have learned thus far. The following hadiths demonstrate this point:

“When one who has committed the Quran to memory (or is familiar with it) gets up (for the night prayer) and recites it night and day, it remains fresh in his mind; nevertheless, if he does not get up (for prayer and thus does not recite it), he forgets it,” Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) stated. [Muslim] Sahih

“Read the Quran regularly,” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised on another occasion. Muhammad’s soul, in the hands of Whom it is, vanishes from remembrance faster than a camel’s tying ropes.” [Bukhari Sahih]

Even while completing household duties, keep reading and repeating the verses of the Quran that you have memorized. These verses will be permanently imprinted in your mind in this manner. You will forget the prior teachings if you do not review them, and there will be no purpose in continuing. Some students review prior lectures every day, while others do it once or twice a week.

Find the Best Quran Hifz School

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow You can learn anything online in this age of digital media. There are numerous online institutes for persons who are interested in learning how to memorize the Quran while maintaining a busy schedule. These colleges provide people with an affordable way to learn the Quran from authorized and competent Islamic teachers. Locate the best Quran Hifz school and register for an online course. Riwaq Al Azhar is a pioneering institute where you can learn the Quran online from the comfort of your own home with the help of an expert tutor.

Online Quran Memorization Classes

Avoid Distractions

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow Whether you’re learning one or several lines per day, staying focused is crucial! Only when you can fully concentrate on your lesson can you learn effectively. As a result, find a quiet spot to memorize the Quran because it will help you stay focused. Sit in a quiet area and concentrate on learning it or listening to an online Quran recital.

Learn the Arabic Language

How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow Arabic is the language of the Quran, so try to study it. It is preferable to comprehend the message of the Holy Book rather than just memorize the Quranic verses. You will understand what you are reading if you learn Arabic, such as how to act in line with Allah’s word, what will happen on the Day of Judgment, and so on.

Many people feel that knowing particular Arabic terms helps them remember what follows next while they are reading by heart. Even though Arabic is a difficult language to learn, our Best Online Arabic Course will make the process much easier.

Always Seek Allah’s Help

Finally, How to Become a Hafiz – 7 Simple Steps to Follow make dua to the Almighty regularly to ask for His assistance with memorization and to provide you with patience and willpower to complete this lovely act of worship. You will become inspired to memorize the Quran if you seek Allah SWT’s assistance.

Dua to Become Hafiz

While there is no specific dua for becoming a hafiz, there are numerous verses and supplications that can be performed to gain understanding. First and foremost, ask Allah SWT to expand your knowledge before beginning the process of memorizing the Quran. This can be accomplished by reciting the verse below:

“…My Lord, give me more understanding.” (114) Taha

“O Allah, benefit me by that which you have taught me, and teach me that which would benefit me, and enhance my knowledge,” the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is said to have said frequently. In all circumstances, praise is to Allah, and I seek shelter with Allah from the torture of the Fire.” [Ibn Majah Sunan]

How Long Does It Take to Become a Hafiz

It is impossible to say how long it will take to memorize the Quran. However, having an approximate estimate is helpful for motivation and planning your Quran memorization program. It typically takes 3-5 years to become a hafiz. Some pupils, on the other hand, have memorized the Quran in a matter of months or even weeks.

How Hard Is It to Become a Hafiz

The Quran is maybe the only religious book that millions of people around the world have memorized to perfection. How to become a hafiz becomes easier with adequate direction and skilled assistance.

What Is the Reward for Becoming a Hafiz

Memorizing the Quran is a religious deed in which a Muslim seeks Allah’s pleasure and reward in the afterlife. The advantages of becoming a hafiz are numerous and do not include those listed here. Allah has bestowed exceptional blessings and privileges on those who learn the Holy Quran in a variety of ways both in this life and in the afterlife.

Punishment for Hafiz

Reading and memorizing Quranic verses are considered noble activities by Allah SWT. In contrast, if a person does not act in line with Allah’s commands, he will be punished by the Almighty.

Become a Hafiz Online

Online Quran Memorization Classes

The Holy Quran’s memory journey is arduous, but it can be made easy if you know how to become a hafiz. This work is highly attainable with good supervision and a professional trainer.

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How To Perform Wudu For Females

How To Perform Wudu For Females

how to perform wudu for females


How To Perform Wudu For Females? We’ll start by looking up the definition of the Arabic term “wudu.” It comes from the Arabic word “wada’ah,” which signifies “beauty, joy, and cleanliness.” Wudu is a legal term for an act of worship that involves the use of water to wash certain organs in a specific manner. Wudu is the same for men and women, however, the reason for the distinction in the question “how to conduct wudu for females?” is because women’s physical nature differs from men’s, resulting in various reasons than men’s, which may alter the validity of taharah.


Virtues and Benefits of Wudu– Shading lights on some meanings of the:


How To Perform Wudu For Females? Wudu is the most important type of purification. It is a type of taharah that cleanses a person of his sins. As narrated, the simple act of washing oneself is a reason for his radiance:

“Once, with Abu Huraira, I went up to the mosque’s roof. “I heard the Prophet ( ) say, “On the Day of Resurrection, my disciples will be named “Al-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun” from the trace of ablution, and whoever can enhance the area of his radiance should do so,” he stated after performing ablution (i.e. by performing ablution regularly). [Bukhari] [Sahih al-Bukhari]


-hadith: Benefit and Importance of Wudu for Women


  • How To Perform Wudu For Females? This Hadith demonstrates one of the most significant advantages of taharah, particularly wudu, which is the key to salah. It also has some inner depth for women in general, as they are interested in attributes of beauty, and understanding the meaning of “al-ghurr-al-muhajjalun” will undoubtedly add one of the unique features to Muslim women and elicit the question of how to perform wudu for females correctly, without making any mistakes, to avoid missing out on such benefits?
  • How To Perform Wudu For Females? Let us first go over some of the hadith’s interpretations to clarify them and urge every Muslim to seek such a prize and respect. The word “Ghurr” is the plural form of “Agharr,” which means “bright” or “white,” and refers to a white mark on an animal’s face, such as that seen on a horse. It alludes to the unique illumination that would emanate from the faithful’s foreheads on the Day of Resurrection.
  • How To Perform Wudu For Females? “Muhajjalun” comes from the term Tahjil, which also implies whiteness. It refers to a horse’s whiteness on all four or at least three legs. It alludes to the light that would shine through the believers’ hands and feet as a result of their wudu.
  • How To Perform Wudu For Females? That signifies that on the Day of Resurrection, Muslims will be distinguished from others by their faith. In the same way that a horse with a white forehead can clearly be distinguished from other animals, radiance will emerge from their foreheads, hands, and feet.

A Learning Journey with Tahera!

How To Perform Wudu For Females? Being a woman, no one can deny the desire to have glowing skin, thus if this sentence is understood correctly, anyone may easily attain the desired results with a few simple wudu acts that have multiple benefits. The following are some of the benefits of doing ablutions:

“When a person performs ablution and washes his hands, his sins escape through his hands,” Allah’s Messenger remarked. His sins exit through his face as he cleanses it. His sins exit through his forearms and head as he washes them and wipes them. His sins exit through his feet when he washes them.” [Ibn Majah Sunan]

Learning and practicing wudu is a straightforward process with only a few basic aspects to remember, but first, meet “Tahera,” a young woman with strong ambitions to have firm faith, follow Islam’s teachings, and walk in the light of the Sunnah. Meeting and getting to know her would be a blessing, as she has dedicated herself to acts of purification.

The only thing that has her stuck are a couple of questions that have her wanting to know everything before she starts. Let’s hear from Tahera on how she interacts with Taharah daily and what she’ll do if something unexpected happens. Hello! The first thought that comes to mind is:

What are wudu steps in Quran?

How To Perform Wudu For Females? The technique of doing ablution is referenced in the Quran without stating the suggested stages, which are given in Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Sunnah, which indicates that if you follow the Quran’s instructions, your wudu will be valid. Your wudu will be faultless if you follow the other stages outlined in the Sunnah. The main steps of wudu are clearly stated in the following Ayah:

“All you believers!” Wash your faces and hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles when you rise for prayer. Take a full bath if you’re in a state of complete impurity. However, if you’re sick, traveling, or have relieved yourself, or have been intimate, If you’re with your women and can’t find any water, wipe your faces and hands with clean soil.” 5:6

When do you have to repeat wudu? Or especially, what breaks wudu for a woman?

How To Perform Wudu For Females? To put it another way, we can make a list of factors that invalidate women’s wudu. In a nutshell, everything comes out of the front and back channels, and all acts lead to unconsciousness, in addition to certain physical behaviors that irritate one’s lust and cause wudu to break, such as:

The first is discharge, which is defined as any fluid secreted from the front channel, also known as vaginal discharge.

Periods are used to break up Wudu. Although your wudu will be disrupted while you’re on your period, certain women are known for performing wudu, so it’s a nice and practical practice to keep up during your period.

Wudu is also deemed invalidated when one passes wind, discharges urine, or evacuates.

What should I say to someone who asks do you have to wash your private parts before Wudu?

It is not required for wudu, but it is required for ghusl. The main thing to remember is that you should wash your body before doing wudu and salah if you have pee or discharge on it, but you do not have to wash your private parts every time you do wudu.

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The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Examples

The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Examples

The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Examples If you are not an Arab, you may have encountered instances in which you needed to know the many forms of Tafsir and the meaning of the lines you were reciting but couldn’t due to a linguistic barrier.

Because not everyone has access to a Quran with translation at all times, you should know The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Examples because it is best to master Tafsir to fully comprehend the Quran. We’ll go over the different sorts of Tafsir with examples in this article. Let’s get going!

Importance of Tafsir

Tafsir is required for proper knowledge of the Quran. The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran Without knowing Tafsir, it is difficult to interpret the Quran. The goal of Tafsir is to clarify what Allah has revealed to mankind through the Holy Book.

“Verily, this Quran leads to the way that is most right,” Allah declares in the Quran [Quran 17:9].

Everyone can find the Straight Path in this book. People who have been taught in Quran Tafsir will be able to deduce rulings from a verse’s intent better than the average believer.

As a result, we may conclude that studying the Tafsir and learning forms of Tafsir with examples is suggested for a greater knowledge of the Quran so that we can use it realistically in our daily lives. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi explains the relationship between the Quran and the Tafsir in his work An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran. He puts it like way:

“The Quran is like a treasure trapped in a glass receptacle; men can see and benefit from it, but they require Tafsir because Tafsir works as the key that unlocks the treasure, allowing mankind to reap the maximum advantage from it.”

“The example of people who recite the Qur’an but do not know its interpretation is like a group of people who get a written message from their ruler in the middle of the night and do not have a lamp,” stated another scholar, Iyaas ibn Mu’aawiyah. As a result, they are unaware of the contents of the message. Someone who knows Tafsir is like someone who comes to them with a lamp and reads to them what is written in the message.” the Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran

Here are some more compelling reasons to learn Quranic Tafsir:


Assists worshippers in following the Quran

Until the Day of Judgment, the Quran is the only scripture that is valid and unchanging. Anyone can understand the Quran with the help of a Tafsir. “I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these, you will never go astray,” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) remarked.

Furthermore, all Muslims must acquire the Quran’s Tafsir to comprehend Islam’s five pillars (basic concepts). Learning Tafsir will equip the learner to carry out these procedures with the utmost devotion and accuracy. The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran

A man reciting Quran in the mosque

Allows you to perform Salah (daily prayers) with focus and humility

Salah is done at least five times a day, therefore precision or correctness cannot be guaranteed every time. Multiple thoughts might cause people to become distracted and lose concentration.

This can be prevented if the person knows what each verse in his prayer signifies. Knowing the different sorts of Tafsir and examples will undoubtedly assist, as Tafsir encourages people to form stronger bonds with their Creator.

Offers a better understanding of the Quran

When someone speaks Arabic or is descended from an Arabian dialect, they are better able to comprehend Allah SWT’s profound message in the Quran.

The Quran is more difficult to comprehend for non-native Arabic speakers. This is why it is critical to grasp the different forms of Tafsir and their examples to comprehend Allah’s revelation. The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran

Builds an everlasting relationship with our creator

Allah’s proximity is mentioned several times in the Quran, with the connotation taken to signify that Allah is constantly with you. The word “closeness to Allah,” on the other hand, has a wide range of interpretations.

When a believer learns the numerous sorts of Tafsir through examples, their link with the Creator is far stronger than when they memorize and memorize to read the Quran using Tajweed. As a result, in The Two Main Types of Tafsir with the Example of the Quran we are expected to remain upright and on the righteous road.

Describes the actual meaning of the Quran

People nowadays, unfortunately, assume that simply reading the Quran fulfills tfulfillsileges of the Quran without knowing the underlying intent behind the words. You will be able to understand the Quran’s true meaning with ease if you master Tafsir.

It perfects the character

Closeness to Allah SWT gives a way to Jannah and provides resolution for hundreds of concerns in this world, as Allah SWT relates in the Quran. This is the best guide for conducting life by Allah’s commands.

Reading the Quran is crucial for improving one’s character and conduct, but studying Tafsir helps one understand the meaning of His words, which leads to their implementation. The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran Knowing the many forms of Tafsir and instances will be very helpful!

Rules for personal and familial relationships are outlined in it

Outlined finding Fiqh, is a jurisprudential system or interpretation of Sharia. It is a compendium of Islamic law based on the Quran that has been carefully considered. The Quran instructs us in a variety of ways. When individuals in charge of formulating laws, such as the Islamic council, are conversant with the Quran, they use Tafsir. The Two Main Types of Tafsir with Example of Quran.

Developing laws for a community of Muslims

The Sharia is the primary source of Islamic law, according to the Quran. It contains the principles by which the Muslim world is ruled, as well as the reasons for Muslim-Non-Muslim ties. Muslim societies are classified and run through particular norms according to Sharia. The concept also offers a solution to interpersonal problems as well as issues between the state and the individual.

 Discover the history of Islam

Allah Almighty has incorporated various stories in the Quran, including stories about previous Prophets, miracles performed by Prophets, and stories about our Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Knowing the Tafsir of the Quran is required for this understanding as well as the lessons they offer.

A clear knowledge of Islam will encourage people to convert

When they are ready, an individual must invite others to Islam. He should have a sound and complete comprehension of Islam. Having a thorough knowledge of the Quran’s laws as well as a wide library of Hadith.

Different Types of Tafsir

The Two Main Types of Tafsir with the Example of the Quran and The verses of the Quran are explained using several transmission sources in this style of Tafsir. The Quran itself, for example, explains what is said by pointing to other Quranic Ayahs that deal with the same issue. In the second source, the Prophet’s (PBUH) words and deeds illuminate the meaning of Quranic verses. Furthermore, it is the Companions of Prophet Muhammad’s interpretation of Quran verses (PBUH). Several samples of Tafsir from these sources are shown below.

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What is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively

What is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively


You should know what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively because All languages in the world have different dialects and varied pronunciations based on the regions to which the speakers belong. Similar to every other language being spoken worldwide, the Arabic language that Allah SWT picked to spread His message everywhere has different dialectical variations that happen due to the changes in intonations, tones, and geographical conditions of the speakers.

All these changes in the reading and recitation of the Quran are called Qirat. To learn what is Qirat in Islam, its different types, how it differs from other styles, and how to understand what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively.

Qirat Meaning

The term qirah (plural qirat) comes from the Arabic language and refers to the act of reciting something. Tilawah, or the act of reading things aloud from memory, is what Qirat means in Arabic. Tilawah refers to reading passages from the Quran at mosques or at home to seek God’s mercy for mankind.

So to find out what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively, in Islam, you should know what is great? They are the several lexical, linguistic, phonetic, and syntactical varieties permitted to recite the Quran in Islam. There are various forms of qirat, each with its own set of rules for word extension and pronunciation. Vowels, consonants, and less often finished words are also different.

A boy hugging a copy of the Quran

What is Qirat in Islam

In the Quran, qirat refers to the many ways of reciting the verses. The word qirat appears several times throughout the Holy Quran to encourage Muslims to recite it. Allah SWT has utilized greatly the Quran in the following verses.

“And it is a Quran that We have divided into intervals so that you can recite it to the people for a long time.” And we’ve been sending it down in stages.” (Al-Isra:106)

“Who would then recite it [in fluent Arabic] to the deniers, and they would still not believe it!” (Ash-Shu’ara:199)

What is Qirat in Hadith

So what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively In Islam, what is qirat? The word first appears in various hadiths, just as it does in the Quran. The first is a minor fraction of the dinar that has been used to indicate a prize amount without its literal meaning being intended numerous times. The meaning of great reward is demonstrated in the following hadiths, where it is mentioned to specify the reward and punishment for specific conduct.

“Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said: ‘Whoever attends a funeral until the prayer is offered will have one qirat, and whoever attends until (the body) is buried will have two pirates,” according to Abu Hurairah. ‘What are the two pirates, O Messenger of Allah?’ it was said. ‘Like two greats,’ he said. mountains.’ [Sunan An-Nasa’i] [Sunan An-Nasa’i] [Sunan An-N and that supports the answer of What is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively.


what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively for “I heard Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) saying, ‘The term of your stay in comparison to the previous countries is like the period equal to the time between the ‘Asr prayer and sunset,” Salim bin’ Abdullah narrated his father saying? The Torah was handed to the people of the Torah, and they acted on it until midday.

They were then exhausted and given one qirat (a unit of gold) each. The Gospel was then presented to the people of the Gospel, who acted on it until the ‘Asr prayer when they were weary and awarded one qirat apiece. Then we were handed the Quran, and we were given two pirates each for acting (on it) till sunset. You have contributed.

“The Messenger of Allah said: ‘Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding sheep or a dog for hunting, one qirat would be withheld from his reward each day,” Salim bin’ Abdullah recounted on another occasion. “Abu Hurairah said: ‘Or a dog for farming,” Abdullah stated. [Sunan An-Nasa’i] [Sunan An-Nasa’i] [Sunan An-N

Quranic Orthography


The first copies of the Quran had no diacritics, either for vowels or for identifying different racism racist Thracist only employed occasionally and insufficiently to make a clear text whenever they were utilized. It is stated that Uthman prepared an authoritative copy of the Quran for those early manuscripts (RA). When He (RA) made copies of the Quran, he followed the harf style while missing anything to allow other styles

What is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively As a result, the styles that the Mushaf of Uthman could handle stayed in use, and the question we should answer is what is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively? while those that couldn’t be abandoned. As a result, people began to judge one another for uniquely reciting the Quran. As a result, Uthman made them equals and brought them together by only allowing them to read the Quran in one style. The spelling of the Quran was gradually improved, for example, in the 1st century, dots were added to distinguish similarly-shaped consonants, followed by markings and nunation in different-colored ink from the text. Later, the various hues were replaced with the marks that are still used in written Arabic today.

For What is Qirat in Islam and How to Learn Them Effectively During the reign of Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, notable academics Yahya ibn Ya’mar al-Adwaani and Nasr ibn ‘Aasim, appointed by Al-Hajjaj, added points to the Quran for identifying consonants. While the Caliph and/or Al-Hajjaj appear to have been involved in the evolution of the Quranic text, the early use of diacritics was not part of this process. Furthermore, it is unclear what improvements will be made. They requested that diacritics be used. However, manuscript evidence suggests that vowel markers were included in the Quran around this period.


Types of Qiraat

Now that you know what a great is in Islam, the next question is how many great is there in the Quran? In the Quran, there are seven different forms of qirat. These are the techniques by which bearers of popular power chains read the verses. The legendary Rawis, who narrated it with a well-established chain, gave each variety its name. All sorts of great have been recited with an authentic chain of relators tracing back to the messenger Muhammad (PBUH), demonstrating that the Quran is a divine revelation that has been preserved over generations.

Quranic ayah

The Mutawatir class of the Quran has seven different types of Qirat. All of this qirat was chosen by Abu Bakr ibn Mujahid, a famous Quranic scholar in the same field.

  1. Warsh and Hafs

This method was largely used by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) and Imam Malik (RA) for reading the Quran. The two Qaris who kept this reading system alive were Qaloon and Warsh.

  1. Ibn Katheer Al-Makki Qirat (Makkah)

This technique of Quran recitation was used by Qunbul, Al-Buzzi, and Imam Shafi. Al-Buzzi and Qunbul are the Qaris who preserved this recitation.

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The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran

Types of Qirat

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran Many individuals are curious about the definition and varieties of Qirat. To begin, it is a natural reality that languages spoken around the world have different styles and dialects within them. For example, English is the most widely spoken language on the planet, with varying pronunciations depending on where people are from.

The Arabic language, which Allah SWT has chosen as the standard-bearer of Islam and communicator of the Quran, is comparable to other languages in that it contains dialectical variations due to differences in accents, tones, and geographic situations. Qirat is the term for such variations in Quran reciting. This page will explain what Qirat is and the many sorts of Qirat.

What is a Qirat in Islam

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran In Islam, qirat (plural of Qirah) refers to the many methods of reciting the Holy Quran. The Quran can be recited in a variety of lexical, phonetic, linguistic, morphological, and syntactical ways. Each Qirah has its own set of recitation guidelines and word and letter variations. The branch of Islamic studies that deals with various recitation styles are known as qirat. As a result, Qirat is the Quran’s verbalization, and the Quran is preserved in Qirat.

A man reciting Quran

How to learn the qirat of the Quran?

Meaning of Qirat

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The word Qirat () comes from the Arabic language and is derived from the phrase Qirah (), which means reading.’ Various Quranic scholars have questioned the definition of this phrase, with one describing it as “knowledge of pronouncing the verses of the Quran.” It gets its name from the term Qari, which means “one who recites the Holy Quran.” In Arabic, qirat refers to the act of reading or reciting something. In English, qirat refers to the act of reading a piece of text aloud from memory.

Types of Qirat in the Quran                                                                             

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The several varieties of Qirat are the different ways that well-known authority chain bearers recite the Quran. The great Rawis, who narrated it with a confirmed and established chain, gave all Qirat their names. The fact that different types of Qirat have been recited with a direct and authentic chain of relators back to Allah’s Apostle proves that this Holy Book is a revelation from Allah (SWT) and has been maintained over the ages (PBUH).

Quran Halaqa

The names of the 7 types of Qirat:

  • The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran The Mutawatir category includes the following seven forms of Qirat: a transmission with independent chains of authorities so vast as to eliminate the possibility of error and on which there is widespread agreement. These Qirat were chosen by Abu Bakr ibn Mujahid, a well-known Quranic expert on the topic of Qirat.


  • The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran Imam Malik (RA) and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) mainly recited the Holy Quran in this manner in Qirat Naafi’ Al-Madani (Madinah). The two Qaris who kept this recitation are Qaloon and Warsh.
  • The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran This is how Qirat Ibn Katheer Al-Makki (Makkah), Al-Buzzi, and Imam Shafi recited the Quran. The two Qaris who preserved this recital are Al-Buzzi and Qunbul.
  • Abu Amr al-Basri Qirat (Basra)

The two Qaris who preserved this reading style of the Holy Quran are Ad-Doori and As-Solis.

The 7 Types of Qirat in the QQurantwo Qaris who recited and preserved this recital of the Quran are Qirat Ibn Aamir ash-Shami (Syria) and Ibn Dhawan.

  • Asim Al-Qirat Kufi’s (Kufa)
  • This is how Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (RA) recited the Quran. Hafs and Shuba were the two Qaris who kept this recitation style.
  • Hamzah al-Kufi Qirat (Kufa)
  • Khallad and Khalaf are two renowned Qaris who kept this reading style (who also has his own Qirat, i.e., Qirat Khalaf al-Bazaar).
  • The two Qaris who retained this Quran recitation style are Qirat Al-Kisaa’i (Kufa) Al-Layth and Ad-Doori.

There are 10 Qirat in all, although only seven are usually considered. The explanation for this is that at the outset of the Muslim conquest, seven important academics and their students stayed in one place, while the other three scattered over the globe until a scholar named Ibn el Jazerry visited the world and discovered the other three recitation styles. The other three forms of Qirat, on the other hand, are rarely mentioned.

Check out this page for additional information on Qirat!

7 Dialects of the Quran

The 7 Types of Qirat in the Quran People should study the many languages of the Quran after understanding how many Qirat there are. Qirat and Ahruf are frequently confused (the dialects of the Quran). The Holy Quran was revealed in seven Ahruf (plural of Harf), which can be interpreted as methods, dialects, forms, modes, and styles, of Allah’s Messenger (PBUH).

Qirat, on the other hand, is a pronunciation approach employed in Quran recitations that is distinct from the seven Quran recitation styles (Ahruf). Quraysh, Hudhayl, Tameem, Hawaazin, Thaqeef, Kinaanah, and Yemen are believed to be the origins of these seven dialects.

This was done to make Quran recitation memorizationrize easier for the indigenous tribes who speak Arabic in a variety of ways. During the reign of the third caliph Uthman ibn Affan (RA), these seven dialects were reduced to one, the Quraysh dialect, because different reading methods could generate divides within the Muslim ummah.

This dialect is used in all seven forms of recitation. The fact that the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in seven different Ahrufs may be traced back to many hadiths, some of which are as follows:

According to Ibn Masud, Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) said:


“The Qur’an was delivered in seven different ways. It contains an outward and interior meaning for each verse, as well as a source of reference for each injunction.” [Masabih al-Mishkat]

Ibn Abbas narrated in another hadith that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said:

Difference between Tajweed and Qirat

The Quran was revealed and taught to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through tajweed, which he afterward passed on to his companions RAA. The significance of tajweed is demonstrated in the following verse:

“We have given the Book to those who read it as it should be read.” They are the ones who are convinced. And whomever whoever believes it is the one who loses.” (Al-Baqarah:121)

How to learn the qirat of the Quran?

Because knowing the many forms of Quran Qirat is important for Muslims all over the world, Riwaq Al Azhar has created the Learn Ten Qirat Online Course for people who live in non-Muslim nations or have a non-Arab background. You can enroll in online lessons with our highly qualified Quran teachers, who will educate you about the many styles of recitation found in the Quran, as well as an Online Tajweed Course for each Qirah.

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